Place your hard facts where they belong.

Stand them like sea stacks along the Pacific coast.

Immovable. Steadfast.


Allow the chaotic water, oceanic waves that

split against certainty, constellating sprays of glory.

Photographable. There.


The wonder you seek blows at you,

alerting your heart, that vital organ that thrills.

Wait now for the booming basso profundo, it will come:

Oh, the bottomless sound of God singing.


SM 2011




Discontent drapes me like a wet

beach towel after sundown.

I can't punch my way out of this,

wrapped in restlessness,

goosebumped with tiny confusions.


If you were here I'd find a dry

matchstick deep in your pocket,

strike a wild little driftwood fire.

You'd peel away the miserable chill

of all my pointless objections.


Breaking waves have left me hammered.

Come and content me, baby,

cloak me with all your warmth.

On the rim of this gray ocean

there won't be another comfort.


SM 1996




I feel so tiny.

Do you know

what a giant there is

inside of Me?